Your Application
Applications are due by midnight on February 15, 2024. You and your advisor will be notified of funding before Spring Break.
- Please upload the following documents.*
You can drag and drop up to 10 files into the box below. Please upload pdfs only!
1 - Upload your proposal. Please use the naming convention of 'yourlastname-facultylastname-2024.pdf'
- Research proposal: 1000 word limit (not including references; note: references are not required) ~ roughly 2 pages double spaced
- Summarize the research question(s) that you and your mentors plan to answer.
- Answer the question, why is this research important?
- Proposed summer work plan: 1 page limit
- Describe what you will be doing this summer with a rough breakdown by week.
- Please include the skills you will be developing, types of data collection or modeling you will do, location or field site, etc.
2 - Upload your unofficial transcript.
Description of the proposed project
This section should comprise the bulk of your proposal. What is the broad question you will be addressing? Why is it a significant or important question? How exactly will you address it? What are the objectives of the research? What methods will you use?
Tentative work plan
When will you do the work you’ve proposed? When do you plan to be in the field? If you need to collect/prepare samples for lab analysis, when will you work in the lab? You should also include time for data analysis and poster making. This section should not be written in paragraph form - a bulleted list or table is preferred.
Intellectual property
Not in the application, yet mentors will be asked for one paragraph on whether, and if so, how the proposed research integrates with their own projects and if so what will be the separate intellectual property of the SESUR student.
If you are accepted...
Students who participate in the Summer Undergraduate Research Program are required to:
- Enroll in SUSTAIN 100: Research Preparation (1 unit) during spring quarter. The course includes several activities to help you create a successful research experience.
- Attend a weekly lunch seminar series during the summer (when on campus), which will include lectures by faculty and workshops on poster-making and oral presentations.
- Participate in a research symposium with a poster or oral presentation. Options are in the fall at SURPS and the Sustainability Undergraduate Research Symposium or spring quarter at ASURPS and the Sustainability Research Review. SURPS
- Complete program evaluations at the mid-point and end of your research.
- All students are expected to be doing research on campus, unless they are doing field research. Although some of the research projects could theoretically be accomplished remotely, we want the students to have the campus experience of research, including the weekly seminars and other workshops.
Still have questions?
For more information, don't hesitate to contact Jenny Saltzman. She is on campus usually on Wednesdays -Thursdays- Fridays and available by Zoom any day.